Sunday, December 4, 2011

Climbing in Mexico: Worth the Risk?

In general I find that people are incredibly terrible at assessing risk. For example, parents are more afraid of letting their kids play at a friend's house whose parents own a gun than at a house with a swimming pool, but guess which one is 100 times more likely to result in accidental death?

As a species, we are far more afraid of activities associated with sensational news than really makes sense, from a statistical point of view. I don't want to discount the recent incident in Hidalgo, but I sincerely believe it was a one-time freak occurrence. Meanwhile every day in American cities, people are murdered, robbed, and assaulted and nobody even notices or cares.

I spent four months here last year, and literally NOTHING bad ever happened to me, nor did I ever feel unsafe in Hidalgo or EPC. You might be looking for trouble if you walk around the bad parts of Monterrey at night, but you never have to go into Monterrey while visiting here - the road from the airport stays north of the city. You also don't drive through the city if coming from Texas.

Look, climbing is a dangerous sport. It amazes me that the same people who are so bold on the rock are afraid of coming to Mexico, yet I can pretty much guarantee that you are 100x more likely to get hurt climbing than you are to experience any negative consequences from being here. And just like climbing, there are things you can do to mitigate your risk. For example:
  • If driving, cross the border during the daytime, and don't stay in Nuevo Laredo longer than it takes to get your visa and car permit.
  • Drive on the toll roads. They are smoother, faster, easier, and safer.
  • Avoid Monterrey if possible, especially at night - like any large city, there's bound to be some violence in the bad parts of town.

El Potrero Chico is an amazing, beautiful place, with towering limestone crags jutting out of the ground at an impossibly steep and awe-inspiring angle. Don't let your fear of the unknown prevent you from experiencing all that it has to offer.

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