Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cast of Characters

I think today, instead of posting yet another multipitch report, I'll just talk about some of the very interesting people I've met here at El Potrero Chico at camp.

Sean and Kris - Some of the first people I met here at EPC. They both drove down from Boulder, and they're pretty good climbers and cool people. Sean is bald and bearded, and Kris looks a little bit like Jesus. They did a lot of multipitches together here, but I never climbed with them. They left a couple of weeks ago.

Sean rockin it.

Shanna and Lesley - I also met these two pretty early on. They're actually from Seattle, and flew into Monterrey, and have been here a bit longer than I have. They left last week or so for Oaxaca, to take spanish classes at the Instituto Cultural de Oaxaca for a couple of weeks. They did their first multipitch climbs here, and like Sean and Kris, I have never climbed with them. Not sure if they are coming back here or not, but they are cool. I kept running into them around town and offering them rides, since they don't have a car. For a while they were renting a house nearby to La Posada and they had a few dinner / drinking parties at their place.

Bjorn - He's Swedish, he wears glasses, and he's really funny. His girlfriend is studying medicine in Monterrey. I've gone cragging with him at least once with him and his Swedish friend Simon who was in town for a bit. He's been here about two months I think, and is leaving around Dec. 15th. He's always up late on his computer, and always makes hot tea before he goes to bed. Good guy.

Bjorn - photo stolen from facebook

Chris - Met this guy a few days after I got here. He drove here on his motorcycle from Kansas City, and he's a young photographer, and he does a lot of weddings. He took some interesting long exposure photos of me at camp where he lit me up with a headlamp. I forget the name of the technique, but it came out looking pretty sweet. We cragged a few times before he left, as he was only here a week.

Chris, Beth, and Dave at Wonderwall

Max - Max has been here since Halloween. He's pretty young, very chill, and climbs hard. I haven't actually had much time to talk with him yet, and initially I thought he was with Sean and Kris, but they left and he didn't. He's still here for the foreseeable future, another longtermer like me.

Dave - This guy has been here over two months, and I knew a little bit about him before we met because he has a blog about EPC. He's a pretty funny guy; he has a huge tarp over his tent, and he adopted a dog named Candela. I haven't climbed with him, or even heard of him climbing since I've been here. Lately I guess he is focusing more on work and learning spanish, and his Mexican girlfriend...

The Quebecoi - Melanie, Veronique, and Oliver are from Quebec, and they primarily speak French, though their English is really good. I haven't really climbed with them, though I have climbed next to them a few times. They are really fun. They drove here from Quebec and arrived around the same time Ames was here, for Thanksgiving weekend. They are leaving around Dec. 15 as well.

Gringo Disco - Max, Oliver, Melanie, Me, Erik, Dave

Siggy - Siggy is from Iceland, and he's a commercial airline pilot. He even has the aviators to prove it. He's pretty new to climbing, so his friend Katelynn has been "showing him the ropes". He's done a lot of ice climbing but almost no rock climbing, so he's learning. He's been here since Thanksgiving or earlier.

Katelynn - She's from Canadia, and arrived about a week ago. She's apparently a full-time climber, and I think she's planning to go to south america for more climbing after this? I'm a little fuzzy on the details. Friends with Siggy, and strangely enough knows a lot of the same people as Erik does.

Way to belay.

Erik - Erik is a blond surfer / climber kid from California. Actually he climbs a lot more than he surfs, but whatever. He spends the summers at Yosemite, working 3 days a week and climbing the other four. During the rest of the year, he likes to travel to EPC, Indian Creek, and other various rock climbing destinations. He's been my primary climbing partner for the last week and a half or more - we've done Space Boys, Snott Girlz, Black Cat Bone, and Satori together. Really solid, and great sense of humor. He's a bit stronger than me, so he's been a good mentor of sorts. He arrived a couple of weeks ago, and will be here for a few months at least.

Erik's best crazy face

Team Yukon - Niall and Emcee are from the Yukon, and their Canadian accents are hilarious. But they are also really cool and laid back and such. They often spend their evenings in the kitchen drinking and playing cribbage. Emcee apparently races dogs in the winter? Not sure when they are leaving - but I think maybe in January.

I think that's about all for now. There are many other people I've met here as well, but these are the people that stick out in my mind the most.

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